controllers | |
tgBasicController.cpp | Implementation of the tgBasicController base class |
tgBasicController.h | Definition of the tgBasicController base class |
tgImpedanceController.cpp | Contains the definition of members of class tgImpedanceController. $Id$ |
tgImpedanceController.h | Contains the definition of class ImpedanceControl. $Id$ |
tgPIDController.cpp | Implementation of the tgPIDController class |
tgPIDController.h | Definition of the tgPIDController class |
tgTensionController.cpp | Implementation of the tgTensionController class |
tgTensionController.h | Definition of the tgTensionController base class |
core | The core simulation and base level models |
terrain | The terrain library gives terrain options for the world |
tgBoxGround.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgBoxGround |
tgBoxGround.h | Contains the definition of class tgBoxGround |
tgBulletGround.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgBulletGround |
tgBulletGround.h | Contains the definition of class tgBulletGround |
tgCraterGround.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgCraterGround |
tgCraterGround.h | Contains the definition of class tgCraterGround |
tgEmptyGround.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgBoxGround |
tgEmptyGround.h | Contains the definition of class tgEmptyGround |
tgGround.h | Contains the definition of class tgGround |
tgHillyGround.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgHillyGround |
tgHillyGround.h | Contains the definition of class tgHillyGround |
tgPlaneGround.cpp | Contains the definition of class tgPlaneGround |
tgPlaneGround.h | Contains the definition of class tgPlaneGround |
abstractMarker.cpp | Markers for specific places on a tensegrity |
abstractMarker.h | Markers for specific places on a tensegrity |
tgBaseRigid.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgRod |
tgBaseRigid.h | Create a box shape as an obstacle or add it to your tensegrity |
tgBasicActuator.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgBasicActuator |
tgBasicActuator.h | Contains the definition of class tgBasicActuator |
tgBox.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgBox |
tgBox.h | Create a box shape as an obstacle or add it to your tensegrity |
tgBoxMoreAnchors.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgBoxMoreAnchors |
tgBoxMoreAnchors.h | Create a box shape. This class supports more than two anchor points |
tgBulletCompressionSpring.cpp | Definitions of members of class tgBulletCompressionSpring |
tgBulletCompressionSpring.h | Definitions of class tgBulletCompressionSpring |
tgBulletContactSpringCable.cpp | Definition of a massless cable with contact dynamics |
tgBulletContactSpringCable.h | Definition of a massless cable with contact dynamics |
tgBulletRenderer.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgBulletRenderer |
tgBulletRenderer.h | Contains the definition of concrete class tgBulletRenderer |
tgBulletSpringCable.cpp | Definitions of members of classes tgBulletSpringCable $Id$ |
tgBulletSpringCable.h | Definitions of classes tgBulletSpringCable $Id$ |
tgBulletSpringCableAnchor.cpp | Definitions of class tgBulletSpringCableAnchor. $Id$ |
tgBulletSpringCableAnchor.h | Definitions of class tgBulletSpringCableAnchor, formerly muscleAnchor |
tgBulletUnidirComprSpr.cpp | Definitions of members of class tgBulletUnidirComprSpr |
tgBulletUnidirComprSpr.h | Definitions of class tgBulletUnidirComprSpr, a version of tgBulletCompressionSpring that only applies a force in one direction ("unidirectional.") |
tgBulletUtil.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgBulletUtil $Id$ |
tgBulletUtil.h | Contains the definition of class tgBulletUtil |
tgCast.h | Utility class for class casting and filtering collections by type |
tgCompressionSpringActuator.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgCompressionSpringActuator |
tgCompressionSpringActuator.h | Contains the definition of class tgCompressionSpringActuator. This class assumes a linear spring, F = k x - bV, where the spring begins to apply a force when the length between anchors goes down past restLength. Uses a tgBulletCompressionSpring to calculate and apply forces |
tgControllable.h | Definition of the tgControllable abstract base class |
tgException.h | Extension of std::exception for use within the library |
tgKinematicActuator.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgKinematicActuator |
tgKinematicActuator.h | Contains the definition of class tgKinematicActuator |
tgModel.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgModel $Id$ |
tgModel.h | Contains the definition of class tgModel |
tgModelVisitor.h | Contains the definition of interface class tgModelVisitor |
tgObserver.h | Definition of tgObserver class |
tgRod.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgRod |
tgRod.h | Contains the definition of class tgRod |
tgSenseable.cpp | |
tgSenseable.h | Constains the implementation of mixin class tgSenseable |
tgSimulation.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgSimulation |
tgSimulation.h | Contains the definition of class tgSimulation |
tgSimView.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgSimView |
tgSimView.h | Contains the definition of class tgSimView |
tgSimViewGraphics.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgSimViewGraphics |
tgSimViewGraphics.h | Contains the definition of class tgSimViewGraphics |
tgSphere.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgSphere |
tgSphere.h | Contains the definition of class tgSphere |
tgSpringCable.cpp | Definitions of members of class tgSpringCable $Id$ |
tgSpringCable.h | Definitions of class tgSpringCable |
tgSpringCableActuator.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgSpringCableActuator |
tgSpringCableActuator.h | Contains the definition of abstract base class tgSpringCableActuator. Assumes that the string is linear (F = -kX - bV) |
tgSpringCableAnchor.h | Definitions of class tgSpringCableAnchor |
tgString.h | Convenience function for combining strings with ints, mostly for naming structures |
tgSubject.h | Definition of tgSubject class |
tgTaggable.h | Contains the definition of class tgTaggable |
tgTaggables.h | Contains the definition of class tgTaggables |
tgTaggedNamedList.h | Contains the definition of class tgTaggedNamedList |
tgTags.h | Contains the definition of class tgTags |
tgTagSearch.h | Contains the definition of class tgTagSearch |
tgUnidirComprSprActuator.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgUnidirComprSpringAct |
tgUnidirComprSprActuator.h | Contains the definition of class tgUnidirComprSprActuator. This class assumes a linear spring, F = k x - bV, where the spring begins to apply a force when the length between anchors goes down past restLength. Uses a tgBulletUnidirComprSpr to calculate and apply forces |
tgWorld.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgWorld $Id$ |
tgWorld.h | Contains the definition of class tgWorld $Id$ |
tgWorldBulletPhysicsImpl.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgWorldBulletPhysicsImpl |
tgWorldBulletPhysicsImpl.h | Contains the definition of class tgWorldBulletPhysicsImpl |
tgWorldImpl.h | Contains the definition of class tgWorldImpl |
dev | |
apsabelhaus | |
scaling_analysis | |
backup | |
scaling_counterexample_backup.m | |
example_code | |
rod_hinge_dynamics.m | |
scaling_counterexample.m | |
scaling_counterexample_nonlinear.m | |
tgBoxAnchorDebugDemo | |
AppTgBoxAnchorDebugDemo.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the demo of the debugging application for tgBox's anchor positions |
tgBoxAnchorDebugModel.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgBoxAnchorDebugModel. $Id$ |
tgBoxAnchorDebugModel.h | Contains the definition of class tgBoxAnchorDebugModel. $Id$ |
atil | |
AppSUPERball.cpp | |
heightSensor.cpp | |
heightSensor.h | |
SuperBallLearningController.cpp | |
SuperBallLearningController.h | |
SuperBallModel.cpp | Contains the implementation of class SuperBallModel. $Id$ |
SuperBallModel.h | Contains the definition of class SuperBallModel. $Id$ |
axydes | |
DuCTT | |
AppDuCTT.cpp | |
DuCTTTestModel.cpp | Contains the implementation of class DuCTTTestModel |
DuCTTTestModel.h | Contains the definition of class DuCTTTestModel |
tgPrismatic.cpp | Contains the definition of class tgPrismatic. A prismatic actuator |
tgPrismatic.h | Contains the definition of class tgPrismatic. A prismatic actuator |
tgPrismaticInfo.cpp | Contains the definition of members of the class tgPrismatic. A prismatic actuator builder |
tgPrismaticInfo.h | Contains the definition of class tgPrismaticInfo. A prismatic actuator builder |
bgigous | |
MG_FirstAttempt | |
AppQuadCoupling.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped |
AppQuadCoupling.h | |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiral2.cpp | |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiral2.h | |
JSONQuadFeedbackControl.cpp | |
JSONQuadFeedbackControl.h | |
MG_SecondAttempt | |
AppQuadSimpleActuation.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped |
AppQuadSimpleActuation.h | |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiral2.cpp | |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiral2.h | |
JSONQuadFeedbackControl.cpp | |
JSONQuadFeedbackControl.h | |
btietz | |
boxFeet | |
AppNestedBoxTetrahedrons.cpp | |
NestedBoxTestModel.cpp | Contains the implementation of class NestedBoxTestModel |
NestedBoxTestModel.h | Contains the definition of class NestedBoxTestModel |
caterpillar | |
AppCaterpillar.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Super Ball applicaiton application. $Id$ |
CaterpillarModel.cpp | Contains the implementation of class CaterpillarModel. $Id$ |
CaterpillarModel.h | Contains the definition of class CaterpillarModel. $Id$ |
Corde | |
AppCordeTest.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for testing the Corde string model |
AppLineInsertionCheck.cpp | Simple tests for determining the order of points in space |
CordeModel.cpp | Defines structure for the Corde softbody String Model |
CordeModel.h | Defines structure for the Corde softbody String Model |
GATests | |
AppGATests.cpp | An applicaiton to test the efficiency of various genetic algorithms |
AppGATests_JSON.cpp | |
handTunedSineWaves | |
AppTetraSpineHT.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Tetra Spine Static application |
htSpineSine.cpp | |
htSpineSine.h | Controller for TetraSpineLearningModel |
hardwareLearning | |
AppTetraSpineHardwareLearning.cpp | |
LearningSpineJSON.cpp | Controller for TetraSpineLearningModel |
LearningSpineJSON.h | Controller for TetraSpineLearningModel |
tgCPGStringControl_mod.cpp | |
tgCPGStringControl_mod.h | |
JSONTests | |
AppJSONSpine.cpp | |
AppJSONTests.cpp | An applicaiton to test some aspects of JSON configuration |
AppTerrainJSON.cpp | Contains the definition of functions for multi-terrain app |
AppTerrainJSON.h | |
JSONCPGControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
JSONCPGControl.h | An adaptation of JSONCPGControl that utilizes JSON for parameters |
JSONFeedbackControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
JSONFeedbackControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
tgCPGJSONLogger.cpp | |
tgCPGJSONLogger.h | |
multiTerrain | |
AppMultiTerrain.cpp | Contains the definition of functions for multi-terrain app |
AppMultiTerrain.h | |
multiTerrain_OC | |
AppMultiTerrain_OC.cpp | Contains the definition of functions for multi-terrain app |
AppMultiTerrain_OC.h | |
OctahedralComplex.cpp | Implementing the cross-linked octahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
OctahedralComplex.h | Implementing the cross-linked octahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
OctahedralGoalControl.cpp | |
OctahedralGoalControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
muscleNPHills | |
AppHillyMuscleNP.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for testing contact string model |
hillyMuscleNP.cpp | |
hillyMuscleNP.h | For testing MuscleNP contacts |
muscleNPTests | |
AppsimpleMuscleNP.cpp | |
simpleMuscleNP.cpp | |
simpleMuscleNP.h | For testing MuscleNP contacts |
OC_Tension | |
AppOCTension.cpp | Contains the definition of functions for multi-terrain app |
AppOCTension.h | |
OctahedralTensionControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
OctahedralTensionControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
RBTests | |
AppContactModelTest.cpp | |
ContactTestController.h | |
ContactTestModel.h | |
ShortOC_CPG | |
AppOctaCL_CPG.cpp | |
ShortOC_sine | |
AppOctaCL_sine.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Flemons Spine Learning application |
OctaCLSine.cpp | Controller for BaseSpineLearningModel |
OctaCLSine.h | Controller for FlemonsSpineLearningModelCL |
sphereFeet | |
AppSUPERSphereball.cpp | |
T6SphereModel.cpp | |
T6SphereModel.h | Contains the definition of class T6SphereModel. $Id$ |
TC_goal | |
AppGoalTerrain.cpp | Contains the definition of functions for multi-terrain app |
AppGoalTerrain.h | |
BaseSpineModelGoal.cpp | Implementing the tetrahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
BaseSpineModelGoal.h | Implementing the tetrahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
FlemonsSpineModelGoal.cpp | Implementing the tetrahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
FlemonsSpineModelGoal.h | Implementing the tetrahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
JSONGoalControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
JSONGoalControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
SpineGoalControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
SpineGoalControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
TC_nn_Tension | |
AppGoalTensionNNW.cpp | Contains the definition of functions for multi-terrain app |
AppGoalTensionNNW.h | |
JSONGoalTensionNNW.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
JSONGoalTensionNNW.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
TC_online | |
AppGoalOnline.cpp | Contains the definition of functions for multi-terrain app |
AppGoalOnline.h | |
SpineOnlineControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
SpineOnlineControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
TC_Tension | |
AppGoalTension.cpp | Contains the definition of functions for multi-terrain app |
AppGoalTension.h | |
JSONGoalTension.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
JSONGoalTension.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
TCContact | |
AppFlemonsSpineContact.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Flemons Spine Contact application |
FlemonsSpineModelContact.cpp | Implementing the tetrahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
FlemonsSpineModelContact.h | Implementing the tetrahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
tetraCollisions | |
tscDataLogger.cpp | Contains the definition of interface class tscDataLogger |
tscDataLogger.h | Contains the definition of interface class tscDataLogger |
tscDataObserver.cpp | Implementation of tgObserver class |
tscDataObserver.h | Definition of tgObserver class |
TetraSpine_multiTerrain | |
AppMultiTerrain_Tetra.cpp | Contains the definition of functions for multi-terrain app |
AppMultiTerrain_Tetra.h | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app |
TetraSpineKinematic.cpp | Tetraspine, configured for learning in the NTRT simulator |
TetraSpineKinematic.h | Middle segment of In Won's robot reconfigured with tgBulletContactSpringCable and more segments |
timestepTest | |
AppPIDTest.cpp | |
pidTestRig.cpp | Contains the definition of the members of the class pidTestRig. $Id$ |
pidTestRig.h | Defines a 3 strut 9 string tensegrity model |
TS_goal | |
AppTSGoal.cpp | Contains the definition of functions for multi-terrain app |
AppTSGoal.h | |
TetraSpineGoal.cpp | Tetraspine, configured for goal directed learning in the NTRT simulator |
TetraSpineGoal.h | Middle segment of In Won's robot reconfigured with tgBulletContactSpringCable and more segments |
NestedStructureTestModel_rb.h | |
tgRBString.cpp | Contains the definition of class tgRBString. A string with small rigid bodies to create contact dynamics |
tgRBString.h | Contains the definition of class tgRBString. A string with small rigid bodies to create contact dynamics. Depricated as of version 1.1.0 |
tgRBStringInfo.cpp | Contains the definition of members of the class tgRBString. A string with small rigid bodies to create contact dynamics |
tgRBStringInfo.h | Contains the definition of class tgRBStringInfo. A string with small rigid bodies to create contact dynamics. Depricated as of version 1.1.0 |
dhustigschultz | |
BigDoxie | |
AppBigDoxie.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model. Now with more spine segments |
BigDoxie.cpp | Implementing a quadruped based off the Flemons BigPuppy model, now with more segments |
BigDoxie.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module. Now with more spine segments |
BigDoxieNoFeet | |
AppBigDoxieNoFeet.cpp | |
BigDoxieNoFeet.cpp | Implementing a quadruped based off the Flemons BigPuppy model, now with more segments |
BigDoxieNoFeet.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module. Now with more spine segments |
BigDoxieSpirals | |
AppBigDoxieSpirals.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model. Now with more spine segments |
BigDoxieSpirals.cpp | Implementing a quadruped based off the Flemons BigPuppy model, now with more segments |
BigDoxieSpirals.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module. Now with more spine segments |
BigPuppy_Anchored_Model | |
AppBigPuppy.cpp | |
BigPuppy.cpp | |
BigPuppy.h | |
BigPuppy_Foot | |
AppBigFoot.cpp | Implementing an idea for revising BigPuppy's feet |
BigFoot.cpp | Implementing a new design idea for BigPuppy's feet |
BigFoot.h | A revised model for a foot |
BigPuppy_HT | |
AppBigPuppy.cpp | |
BigPuppy.cpp | |
BigPuppy.h | |
BigPuppyController.cpp | Implementing a hand-tuned controller for a quadruped based roughly on the Flemons BigPuppy model |
BigPuppyController.h | Implementing a hand-tuned controller for a quadruped based roughly on the Flemons BigPuppy model |
BigPuppy_Model | |
AppBigPuppy.cpp | |
BigPuppy.cpp | |
BigPuppy.h | |
BigPuppy_Model2 | |
AppBigPuppy.cpp | |
BigPuppy.cpp | |
BigPuppy.h | |
BigPuppy_NoFeet | |
AppBigPuppyNoFeet.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model |
BigPuppyNoFeet.cpp | Implementing a quadruped based off the Flemons BigPuppy model |
BigPuppyNoFeet.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module |
BigPuppy_RigidFeet | |
AppBigPuppyRigidFeet.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model |
BigPuppyRigidFeet.cpp | Implementing a quadruped based off the Flemons BigPuppy model |
BigPuppyRigidFeet.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module |
BigPuppy_SpineOnly | |
AppBigPuppySpineOnly.cpp | |
BigPuppySpineOnly.cpp | |
BigPuppySpineOnly.h | |
BigPuppy_SpineOnly_Stats | |
AppBigPuppySpineOnlyStats.cpp | |
BaseQuadModelLearning.cpp | A template base class for a tensegrity quadruped |
BaseQuadModelLearning.h | |
BigPuppySpineOnlyStats.cpp | Implementing the spine of a quadruped based off the Flemons BigPuppy model |
BigPuppySpineOnlyStats.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module |
BigPuppy_Symmetric | |
AppBigPuppySymmetric.cpp | |
BigPuppySymmetric.cpp | |
BigPuppySymmetric.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module |
BigPuppy_SymmetricArching | |
AppBigPuppySymmetricArching.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model |
BigPuppySymmetricArching.cpp | Implementing a quadruped based off the Flemons BigPuppy model |
BigPuppySymmetricArching.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module |
BigPuppy_SymmetricSpiral1 | |
AppBigPuppySymmetricSpiral1.cpp | |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiral1.cpp | |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiral1.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module |
BigPuppy_SymmetricSpiral2 | |
AppBigPuppySymmetricSpiral2.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiral2.cpp | |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiral2.h | |
BigPuppy_SymmetricSpiral_Metrics | |
AppBigPuppySymmetricSpiralMetrics.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiralMetrics.cpp | Implementing a quadruped based off the Flemons BigPuppy model |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiralMetrics.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module |
BigPuppy_SymmetricSpiral_Segments | |
AppBigPuppySymmetricSpiralSegments.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiralSegments.cpp | Implementing a quadruped based off the Flemons BigPuppy model |
BigPuppySymmetricSpiralSegments.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module |
BigPuppy_Terrain | |
AppBigPuppy.cpp | |
BigPuppy.cpp | |
BigPuppy.h | |
BP_SC_Doxie | |
AppQuadControlDoxie.cpp | Using Brian's existing spine controller for a quadruped, with more segments |
AppQuadControlDoxie.h | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped with more spine segments |
BP_SC_Doxie_NoFeet | |
AppQuadControlDoxieNF.cpp | Using Brian's existing spine controller for a quadruped, with more segments |
AppQuadControlDoxieNF.h | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped with more spine segments |
BP_SC_DoxieSpirals | |
AppQuadControlDoxieSpirals.cpp | Using Brian's existing spine controller for a quadruped, with more segments |
AppQuadControlDoxieSpirals.h | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped with more spine segments |
BP_SC_NoLegs | |
AppSpineControl.cpp | |
AppSpineControl.h | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped |
BP_SC_NoLegs_Stats | |
AppSpineControlStats.cpp | |
AppSpineControlStats.h | |
JSONQuadCPGControl.cpp | |
JSONQuadCPGControl.h | |
JSONStatsFeedbackControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning. more metrics, such as center of mass of entire structure |
JSONStatsFeedbackControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning more metrics, such as center of mass of entire structure |
BP_SC_Symmetric | |
AppQuadControl.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped |
AppQuadControl.h | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped |
JSONQuadFeedbackControl.cpp | |
JSONQuadFeedbackControl.h | |
BP_SC_SymmetricSpiral | |
AppQuadControlSpiral.cpp | Using Brian's existing spine controller for a quadruped, using more muscles to increase torsion |
AppQuadControlSpiral.h | |
BP_SC_SymmetricSpiral2 | |
AppQuadControlSpiral2.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped |
AppQuadControlSpiral2.h | |
BP_SC_SymmetricSpiral3 | |
AppQuadControlMetrics.cpp | Using Brian's existing spine controller for a quadruped |
AppQuadControlMetrics.h | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped |
JSONMetricsFeedbackControl.cpp | |
JSONMetricsFeedbackControl.h | |
BP_SC_SymmetricSpiral_Segments | |
AppQuadControlSegments.cpp | Using Brian's existing spine controller for a quadruped |
AppQuadControlSegments.h | |
JSONSegmentsFeedbackControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning. more metrics, such as center of mass of entire structure |
JSONSegmentsFeedbackControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning more metrics, such as center of mass of entire structure |
MG_Achilles_CPGHierarchy | |
AppAchillesHierarchy.cpp | Implementing Multiple layers of CPGs |
AppAchillesHierarchy.h | |
JSONAchillesHierarchyControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning. A hierarchy of CPGs for MountainGoat |
JSONAchillesHierarchyControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseQuadModelLearning Implementing a CPG hierachy for MountainGoat |
MG_AchillesOnly_CPGH | |
AppAOHierarchy.cpp | Implementing Multiple layers of CPGs |
AppAOHierarchy.h | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped |
JSONAOHierarchyControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseQuadModelLearning. A hierarchy of CPGs for MountainGoat |
JSONAOHierarchyControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseQuadModelLearning Implementing a CPG hierachy for MountainGoat |
MG_Controller | |
AppMGControl.cpp | Using Brian's existing spine controller for a quadruped, using more muscles to increase torsion |
AppMGControl.h | |
JSONMGCPGGeneralControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
JSONMGCPGGeneralControl.h | An adaptation of JSONCPGControl that utilizes JSON for parameters |
JSONMGFeedbackControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning. more metrics, such as center of mass of entire structure |
JSONMGFeedbackControl.h | |
tgCPGMGActuatorControl.cpp | |
tgCPGMGActuatorControl.h | Definition of the tgCPGStringControl observer class |
tgCPGMGCableControl.cpp | |
tgCPGMGCableControl.h | |
MG_CPGHierarchy | |
AppQuadControlHierarchy.cpp | Implementing Multiple layers of CPGs |
AppQuadControlHierarchy.h | Contains the definition function main() for the Multiple terrains app, used here for control of a quadruped |
JSONHierarchyFeedbackControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning. A hierarchy of CPGs for MountainGoat |
JSONHierarchyFeedbackControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseQuadModelLearning Implementing a CPG hierachy for MountainGoat |
MG_FewerMuscles0 | |
AppMGControlFM0.cpp | Using Brian's existing spine controller for a quadruped |
AppMGControlFM0.h | |
JSONMGFeedbackControlFM0.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseQuadModelLearning, modified for use on a quadruped |
JSONMGFeedbackControlFM0.h | A controller for the template class BaseQuadModelLearning, modified for use on a quadruped |
MG_FewerMuscles1 | |
AppMGControlFM1.cpp | Using Brian's existing spine controller for a quadruped |
AppMGControlFM1.h | |
JSONMGFeedbackControlFM1.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseQuadModelLearning, modified for use on a quadruped |
JSONMGFeedbackControlFM1.h | A controller for the template class BaseQuadModelLearning, modified for use on a quadruped |
MountainGoat | |
AppMountainGoat.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model |
MountainGoat.cpp | Implementing Mountain Goat Trying to stiffen up leg actuators more, to prevent falling |
MountainGoat.h | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model (roughly), but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module. Trying to stiffen up the legs more, to prevent falling when actuated |
MountainGoatAchilles | |
AppMountainGoatAchilles.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model |
MountainGoatAchilles.cpp | Implementing Mountain Goat Trying to implement a longer achilles tendon muscle |
MountainGoatAchilles.h | Trying a longer achilles tendon muscle on the MountainGoat. Trying to stiffen up the legs more, to prevent falling when actuated |
MountainGoatFM0 | |
AppMountainGoatFM0.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model |
MountainGoatFM0.cpp | Implementing Mountain Goat Seeing what will happen if number of actuators is reduced, and placement of some changed |
MountainGoatFM0.h | Implementing MountainGoat, but as a subclass of Brian's BaseSpineModelLearning module. Seeing what will happen when the number of actuators is reduced, and their placement has changed |
MountainGoatNL2 | |
AppMountainGoatNL2.cpp | Implementing the Flemons quadruped model |
MountainGoatNL2.cpp | Implementing Mountain Goat with some new legs |
MountainGoatNL2.h | Trying out some new legs for MountainGoat |
Ribbed_MixedLearning | |
AppMixedLearning.cpp | |
AppMixedLearning.h | |
RibModelMixedContact.cpp | |
RibModelMixedContact.h | Implements a spine model with a rib cage, including contact cables and tags to facilitate different learning for first and last segments |
TC_MixedLearning | |
AppMixedLearning.cpp | |
AppMixedLearning.h | |
FlemonsSpineModelMixed.cpp | Implementing the tetrahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
FlemonsSpineModelMixed.h | Implementing the tetrahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
JSONMixedLearningControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
JSONMixedLearningControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
eajung | |
FlemonsArm | |
AppFlemonsArm.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for model of Tom Flemon's tensegrity arm |
FlemonsArm.cpp | Contains the definition of the members of the class FlemonsArm. $Id$ |
FlemonsArm.h | |
ezhu | |
6BarTensegrity | |
App6Bar.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for App6Bar which builds a 6 bar tensegrity structure defined in YAML |
RPLengthController.h | |
RPLengthController_rand.cpp | |
STLParser | |
AppSTLParser.cpp | |
WorldImportTest | |
AppWorldImportTest.cpp | |
RPLengthController.h | |
RPLengthController_rand.cpp | |
jbruce | |
internalFriction | |
backup_old_controllers | |
T6RestLengthController.cpp | |
T6RestLengthController.h | |
AppSUPERball.cpp | |
T6Model.cpp | |
T6Model.h | |
sineWaveEscapeController | |
AppSUPERball.cpp | |
Escape_T6Controller.cpp | |
Escape_T6Controller.h | |
T6Model.cpp | |
T6Model.h | |
twoSpringSUPERball | |
backup_old_controllers | |
T6RestLengthController.cpp | |
T6RestLengthController.h | |
AppSUPERball.cpp | |
T6Model.cpp | |
T6Model.h | |
kmorse | |
AppSUPERball.cpp | |
T6Model.cpp | |
T6Model.h | |
mcdaly | |
12BarTensegrity | |
App12Bar.cpp | |
RPLengthController.h | |
RPLengthController_rand.cpp | |
tensionsensor.cpp | |
muscleNP | |
tgGhostInfo.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgGhostInfo |
tgGhostInfo.h | Definition of abstract class tgGhostInfo |
tgGhostModel.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgRod |
tgGhostModel.h | Like tgBaseRigid, but uses btPairCachingGhostObject instead |
radams | |
chrono | |
chronoTest.cpp | |
tgcreator | |
AppNestedStructureDepthTest.cpp | |
AppStructuresOnStack.cpp | |
AppTgCreatorTest.cpp | |
steve | |
Escape_T6 | |
logs | | | | | | | | | | | |
AppEscape_T6.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Escape T6 application. $Id$ |
Crater.cpp | Contains the implementation of class Crater. $Id$ |
Crater.h | Contains the definition of class Crater. Specifically, a crater is defined as a series of boxes which form a barrier. It is designed to test escape algorithms for tensegrities $Id$ |
CraterDeep.cpp | Contains the implementation of class CraterDeep. $Id$ |
CraterDeep.h | Contains the definition of class CraterDeep. Specifically, this crater is defined as a series of boxes which form a barrier. It is designed to test escape algorithms for tensegrities This crater in particular is very deep and very narrow, which allows for testing of a specific type of escape pattern for tensegrities $Id$ |
Escape_T6Controller.cpp | |
Escape_T6Controller.h | |
Escape_T6Model.cpp | Contains the implementation of class Escape_T6Model. $Id$ |
Escape_T6Model.h | Contains the definition of class Escape_T6Model. $Id$ |
ScarrArm | |
AppScarrArm.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the tensegrity arm based upon the designs of Graham Scarr application. $Id$ |
ScarrArmController.cpp | Preferred Length Controller for ScarrArmModel |
ScarrArmController.h | Contains the definition of class ScarrArmController |
ScarrArmModel.cpp | Contains the implementation of class ScarrArmModel. See README $Id$ |
ScarrArmModel.h | Contains the definition of class ScarrArmModel. $Id$ |
T12SuperBallPayload | |
AppT12SuperBallPayload.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Super Ball applicaiton application. $Id$ |
T12SuperBallPayload.cpp | Contains the implementation of class T12SuperBallPayload. $Id$ |
T12SuperBallPayload.h | Contains the definition of class T12SuperBallPayload. $Id$ |
T12SuperBallPayloadController.cpp | |
T12SuperBallPayloadController.h | |
tgPort | |
tgPort.cpp | Provides portability of tensegrities via JSON $Id$ | | |
tests | |
AppBuilderTest.cpp | |
AppConnectorTest.cpp | |
AppHilbert2D.cpp | |
AppRBString.cpp | |
AppRotationTest.cpp | |
AppStructureTest.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Structure Test application |
BuildTestController.h | |
BuildTestModel.h | |
ConnectorTestModel.h | |
Hilbert2DModel.h | |
RBStringTest.cpp | |
RBStringTest.h | |
StructureTestModel.h | |
testTgBuildSpec.cpp | |
testTgStructure.cpp | |
testTgStructureInfo.cpp | |
ultra-spine | |
HorizontalSpine | |
AppHorizontalSpine.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for AppHorizontalSpine which builds a horizontal spine structure defined in YAML |
SpineKinematicsTest | |
AppSpineKinematicsTest.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for AppSpineKinematicsTest which tests out some kinematic movements of a horizontal spine |
SpineKinematicsTestController.cpp | Implementation of SpineKinematicsTestController |
SpineKinematicsTestController.h | Contains the definition of class SpineKinematicsTestController |
VerticalSpine | |
backup_old_controllers | |
VerticalSpineRestLengthController.cpp | |
VerticalSpineRestLengthController.h | |
AppVerticalSpine.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for VerticalSpine application |
VerticalSpineBendingController.cpp | |
VerticalSpineBendingController.h | Contains the definition of class VerticalSpineBendingController |
VerticalSpineModel.cpp | Contains the implementation of class VerticalSpineModel |
VerticalSpineModel.h | Contains the definition of class VerticalSpineModel |
VerticalSpinePassiveController.cpp | Implementation of a passive controller for VerticalSpineModel |
VerticalSpinePassiveController.h | Contains the definition of class VerticalSpinePassiveController |
VerticalSpine_CableCollision | |
backup_old_controllers | Controllers for tensegrities in the examples and models directories |
VerticalSpineRestLengthController.cpp | |
VerticalSpineRestLengthController.h | |
AppVerticalSpineCableCollision.cpp | |
VerticalSpineModelCableCollision.cpp | |
VerticalSpineModelCableCollision.h | Contains the definition of class VerticalSpineModel |
examples | Provides example models for new users |
3_prism | A three strut tensegrity prism. The simplest 3D tensegrity |
AppPrismModel.cpp | |
PrismModel.cpp | |
PrismModel.h | |
3_prism_serialize | |
AppPrismModel.cpp | |
PrismModel.cpp | |
PrismModel.h | |
contactCables | |
AppContactCables.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for testing tconservation of energy for the contact cables |
AppTetraSpineCol.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Tetra Spine Static application |
colSpineSine.cpp | |
colSpineSine.h | Controller for TetraSpineCollisions |
ContactCableDemo.cpp | |
ContactCableDemo.h | For testing MuscleNP contacts |
TetraSpineCollisions.cpp | Tetraspine, configured for learning in the NTRT simulator |
TetraSpineCollisions.h | Middle segment of In Won's robot reconfigured with tgBulletContactSpringCable and more segments |
craterEscape | |
AppEscape.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Escape T6 application. $Id$ |
EscapeController.cpp | Escape Controller for Jonathan's T6 model of SUPERBall |
EscapeController.h | Contains the definition of class EscapeController |
EscapeModel.cpp | Contains the implementation of class EscapeModel. $Id$ |
EscapeModel.h | Contains the definition of class EscapeModel. $Id$ |
IROS_2015 | |
hardwareSineWaves | |
AppTetraSpineHardwareSine.cpp | |
LearningSpineSine.cpp | |
LearningSpineSine.h | Controller for TetraSpineLearningModel |
tgSineStringControl.cpp | |
tgSineStringControl.h | |
TetraSpineStatic | |
AppTetraSpineStatic.cpp | |
SerializedSpineControl.cpp | Contains the implementation of class NestedStructureSineWaves |
SerializedSpineControl.h | A Sine Wave controller for TetraSpine using JSON serialization |
TetraSpineStaticModel.cpp | Tetraspine, configured for learning in the NTRT simulator |
TetraSpineStaticModel.h | Tetraspine, configured for learning in the NTRT simulator |
TetraSpineStaticModel_hf.cpp | Tetraspine, configured for learning in the NTRT simulator |
TetraSpineStaticModel_hf.h | |
learningSpines | |
OctahedralComplex | |
AppFlemonsSpineLearningCL.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Flemons Spine Learning application |
FlemonsSpineModelLearningCL.cpp | Implementing the cross-linked octahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
FlemonsSpineModelLearningCL.h | Implementing the cross-linked octahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
ribDemo | |
AppRibModelLearning.cpp | |
HilbertTGStructure.h | |
RibModel.cpp | Implements a spine model with a rib cage, with separate tags added to facilitate separate learning for first and last segments |
RibModel.h | Implements a spine model with a rib cage |
SingleRibModel.h | |
TetrahedralComplex | |
AppFlemonsSpineLearning.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Tetra Spine Learning application |
FlemonsSpineModelLearning.cpp | Implementing the tetrahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
FlemonsSpineModelLearning.h | Implementing the tetrahedral complex spine inspired by Tom Flemons |
TetraSpine | |
AppTetraSpineLearning.cpp | |
AppTetraSpineSerial.cpp | |
SerializedSineWaves.cpp | |
SerializedSineWaves.h | A Sine Wave controller for TetraSpine using JSON serialization |
TetraSpineCPGControl.cpp | Controller for TetraSpineLearningModel |
TetraSpineCPGControl.h | Controller for TetraSpineLearningModel |
TetraSpineLearningModel.cpp | Tetraspine, configured for learning in the NTRT simulator |
TetraSpineLearningModel.h | Tetraspine, configured for learning in the NTRT simulator |
BaseSpineCPGControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
BaseSpineCPGControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
BaseSpineModelLearning.cpp | A template base class for a tensegrity spine |
BaseSpineModelLearning.h | A template base class for a tensegrity spine |
KinematicSpineCPGControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
KinematicSpineCPGControl.h | |
SpineFeedbackControl.cpp | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
SpineFeedbackControl.h | A controller for the template class BaseSpineModelLearning |
tgCPGActuatorControl.cpp | |
tgCPGActuatorControl.h | Definition of the tgCPGStringControl observer class |
tgCPGCableControl.cpp | |
tgCPGCableControl.h | |
tgCPGLogger.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgCPGLogger |
tgCPGLogger.h | Contains the definition of interface class tgCPGLogger |
tgSCASineControl.cpp | |
tgSCASineControl.h | |
motorModel | |
AppTimestepTest.cpp | |
tsTestRig.cpp | Contains the definition of the members of the class tsTestRig. $Id$ |
tsTestRig.h | Defines a 3 strut 9 string tensegrity model |
NestedTetrahedrons | |
AppNestedTetrahedrons.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for the Nested Tetrahedrons application |
NestedStructureSineWaves.cpp | Contains the implementation of class NestedStructureSineWaves |
NestedStructureSineWaves.h | Contains the definition of class NestedStructureSineWaves |
NestedStructureTestModel.cpp | Contains the implementation of class NestedStructureTestModel |
NestedStructureTestModel.h | Contains the definition of class NestedStructureTestModel |
SUPERball | |
controllers | |
T6TensionController.cpp | Implementation of six strut tensegrity |
T6TensionController.h | Contains the definition of class T6TensionController |
AppSUPERball.cpp | |
T6Model.cpp | |
T6Model.h | |
testjson | |
testjson.cpp | Contains a brief example illustrating JsonCPP's usage. $Id$ |
helpers | Provides helpers for file input and output |
FileHelpers.cpp | Contains helper methods for file I/O. $Id$ |
FileHelpers.h | A series of functions to assist with file input/output |
learning | Tools for machine learning on tensegrity structures |
Adapters | A class that passes parameters between AnnealEvolution and a controller |
AnnealAdapter.cpp | Contains the implementation of class AnnealAdapter. Adapting NeuroEvolution to do Simulated Annealing |
AnnealAdapter.h | Defines a class AnnealAdapter to pass parameters from AnnealEvolution to a controller. Adapting NeuroEvolution to do Simulated Annealing |
NeuroAdapter.cpp | Defines a class NeuroAdapter to pass parameters from NeuroEvolution to a controller |
NeuroAdapter.h | Defines a class NeuroAdapter to pass parameters from NeuroEvolution to a controller |
AnnealEvolution | A library to perform a variety of evolution algorithms |
AnnealEvolution.cpp | Contains the implementation of class AnnealEvolution Adapting NeuroEvolution to do Simulated Annealing |
AnnealEvolution.h | Contains the definition of class AnnealEvolution. Adapting NeuroEvolution to do Simulated Annealing |
AnnealEvoMember.cpp | Contains the implementation of class AnnealEvoMember Adapting NeuroEvolution to do Simulated Annealing |
AnnealEvoMember.h | Contains the definition of class AnnealEvoMember Adapting NeuroEvolution to do Simulated Annealing |
AnnealEvoPopulation.cpp | Contains the implementation of class AnnealEvoPopulation Adapting NeuroEvolution to do Simulated Annealing |
AnnealEvoPopulation.h | Contains the definition of class AnnealEvoPopulation Adapting NeuroEvolution to do Simulated Annealing |
Configuration | A class to read a learning configuration from a .ini file |
configuration.cpp | Contains the implementation of class configuration. Allows for configuration of learning in a text file |
configuration.h | A class to read a learning configuration from a .ini file |
NeuroEvolution | |
NeuroEvolution.cpp | Top level class for NeuroEvolution |
NeuroEvolution.h | Top level class for NeuroEvolution |
NeuroEvoMember.cpp | Single set of params for NeuroEvolution |
NeuroEvoMember.h | Single set of params for NeuroEvolution |
NeuroEvoPopulation.cpp | A set of members that gets updated and mutated |
NeuroEvoPopulation.h | A set of members that gets updated and mutated |
models | |
obstacles | |
AppObstacleTest.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for testing new obstacles |
tgBlockField.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgBlockField. $Id$ |
tgBlockField.h | Contains the definition of class tgBlockField. A random field of blocks used to test tensegrities |
tgCraterDeep.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgCraterDeep. $Id$ |
tgCraterDeep.h | Contains the definition of class tgCraterDeep. Specifically, this crater is defined as a series of boxes which form a barrier. It is designed to test escape algorithms for tensegrities This crater in particular is very deep and very narrow, which allows for testing of a specific type of escape pattern for tensegrities $Id$ |
tgCraterShallow.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgCraterShallow. This tgCraterShallow is four shallow boxes that encircle the origin. $Id$ |
tgCraterShallow.h | Contains the definition of class tgCraterShallow. Specifically, a crater is defined as a series of boxes which form a barrier. It is designed to test escape algorithms for tensegrities $Id$ |
tgStairs.cpp | Contains the implementation of class tgStairs. $Id$ |
tgStairs.h | Contains the definition of class tgStairs. A random field of blocks used to test tensegrities |
tgWall.cpp | |
tgWall.h | |
sensors | Contains sensors that can be used by controllers |
tgCompoundRigidSensor.cpp | Implementation of the tgCompoundRigidSensor class |
tgCompoundRigidSensor.h | Constains definition of concrete class tgCompoundRigidSensor |
tgCompoundRigidSensorInfo.cpp | Contains the implementation of concrete class tgCompoundRigidSensorInfo |
tgCompoundRigidSensorInfo.h | Definition of concrete class tgCompoundRigidSensorInfo |
tgDataLogger.cpp | Contains the definition of interface class tgDataLogger |
tgDataLogger.h | Contains the definition of interface class tgDataLogger |
tgDataLogger2.cpp | Contains the implementation of concrete class tgDataLogger2 |
tgDataLogger2.h | Contains the definition of class tgDataLogger2 |
tgDataManager.cpp | Contains the implementations of parts of the abstract class tgDataManager |
tgDataManager.h | Contains the definition of class tgDataManager |
tgDataObserver.cpp | Implementation of tgObserver class |
tgDataObserver.h | Definition of tgObserver class |
tgRodSensor.cpp | Implementation of the tgRodSensor class |
tgRodSensor.h | Constains definition of concrete class tgRodSensor |
tgRodSensorInfo.cpp | Contains the implementation of concrete class tgRodSensorInfo |
tgRodSensorInfo.h | Definition of concrete class tgRodSensorInfo |
tgSensor.cpp | An implementation of some parts of the tgSensor abstract class |
tgSensor.h | Constains definition of abstract class tgSensor, which defines the methods that a sensor must implement |
tgSensorInfo.cpp | An implementation of some parts of the tgSensorInfo abstract class |
tgSensorInfo.h | Definition of abstract class tgSensorInfo |
tgSpringCableActuatorSensor.cpp | Implementation of the tgSpringCableActuatorSensor class |
tgSpringCableActuatorSensor.h | Constains definition of concrete class tgSpringCableActuatorSensor |
tgSpringCableActuatorSensorInfo.cpp | Contains the implementation of concrete class tgSpringCableActuatorSensorInfo |
tgSpringCableActuatorSensorInfo.h | Definition of concrete class tgSpringCableActuatorSensorInfo |
tgcreator | Classes used to build a tensegrity out of rigid objects and strings |
tgBasicActuatorInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgBasicActuatorInfo |
tgBasicActuatorInfo.h | Definition of class tgBasicActuatorInfo |
tgBasicContactCableInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgBasicActuatorInfo |
tgBasicContactCableInfo.h | Definition of class tgBasicContactCableInfo |
tgBoxInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgBoxInfo |
tgBoxInfo.h | Class that interfaces with Bullet to build the boxes |
tgBoxMoreAnchorsInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgBoxMoreAnchorsInfo |
tgBoxMoreAnchorsInfo.h | Class that interfaces with Bullet to build the boxes, specifically for boxes that support more than 2 anchor points |
tgBuildSpec.cpp | Implementation of class tgBuildSpec |
tgBuildSpec.h | Definition of class tgBuildSpec |
tgCompoundRigidInfo.cpp | Implementaton of class tgCompoundRigidInfo |
tgCompoundRigidInfo.h | Definition of class tgCompoundRigidInfo |
tgCompressionSpringActuatorInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgCompressionSpringActuatorInfo |
tgCompressionSpringActuatorInfo.h | Definition of class tgCompressionSpringActuatorInfo, used to create a tgBulletCompressionSpring |
tgConnectorInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgConnectorInfo |
tgConnectorInfo.h | Definition of class tgConnectorInfo |
tgKinematicActuatorInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgKinematicActuatorInfo |
tgKinematicActuatorInfo.h | Definition of class tgKinematicActuatorInfo |
tgKinematicContactCableInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgKinematicContactCableInfo |
tgKinematicContactCableInfo.h | Definition of class tgKinematicContactCableInfo |
tgNode.h | Definition of class tgNode |
tgNodes.cpp | Implementation of class tgNodes |
tgNodes.h | Definition of class tgNodes |
tgPair.cpp | Definition of class tgPair |
tgPair.h | Definition of class tgPair |
tgPairs.h | Definition of class tgPairs |
tgRigidAutoCompound.cpp | Definition of class tgRigidAutoCompound |
tgRigidAutoCompound.h | Definition of class tgRigidAutoCompound |
tgRigidInfo.cpp | Contains the definitions of members of class tgRigidInfo |
tgRigidInfo.h | Definition of abstract class tgRigidInfo |
tgRodInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgRodInfo |
tgRodInfo.h | Definition of class tgRodInfo |
tgSphereInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgSphereInfo |
tgSphereInfo.h | Definition of class tgSphereInfo |
tgStructure.cpp | Implementation of class tgStructure |
tgStructure.h | Definition of class tgStructure |
tgStructureInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgStructureInfo |
tgStructureInfo.h | Definition of class tgStructureInfo |
tgUnidirComprSprActuatorInfo.cpp | Implementation of class tgUnidirComprSprActuatorInfo |
tgUnidirComprSprActuatorInfo.h | Definition of class tgUnidirComprSprActuatorInfo, used to create a tgBulletUnidirComprSpr |
tgUtil.cpp | Contains the definition of class tgUtil and overloaded operator<<() free functions |
tgUtil.h | Rand seeding simular to the evolution and terrain classes |
util | General functions usable by models or controllers |
CPGEquations.cpp | Implementation of class CPGEquations |
CPGEquations.h | Definition of class CPGEquations |
CPGEquationsFB.cpp | |
CPGEquationsFB.h | Definition of class CPGEquationsFB |
CPGNode.cpp | Implementation of class CPGNode |
CPGNode.h | Definition of class CPGNode |
CPGNodeFB.cpp | Implementation of class CPGNodeFB |
CPGNodeFB.h | Definition of class CPGNodeFB |
tgBaseCPGNode.cpp | Implementation of class tgBaseCPGNode |
tgBaseCPGNode.h | Definition of class tgBaseCPGNode |
yamlbuilder | |
BuildTensegrityModel.cpp | Contains the definition function main() for TensegrityModel which builds a model based on tensegrity structure defined in YAML |
TensegrityModel.cpp | Contains the definition of the members of the class TensegrityModel |
TensegrityModel.h | |
TensegrityModelController.cpp | Implementation of TensegrityModelController |
TensegrityModelController.h | Contains the definition of class TensegrityModelController |